Here are all the things we DIY'ed for the wedding/reception
Here are our flowers
Everyone started arriving on Thursday
Friday, pre-rehearsal
Then we rehearsed
And of course ate
Then we woke up and my mom & I got our hair done
The girls got all prettied up!
Find out what the guys were up to
The details-- my something's
For all the past brides, were you the most anxious to put your dress on (that is, aside from seeing your soon-to-be husband)? I was sooooo ready and I felt like the clock was just crawling before I could do that. But the bridesmaids put their pretty dresses on and then eventually it was my turn! Yay!
And enter the awkward crawling/stepping into your wedding dress while 8 women look on. It worked though! Perhaps the hardest thing was putting on the shoes. Balancing on someone's shoulder wearing a heeled shoe while the other clips a shoe on your other foot, all with layers of tulle going everywhere makes life interesting!
As always, all pictures unless otherwise noted are by Kasey Lynn Photography.