Thursday, July 7, 2011

All You Need is Love: The Processional

Catch up on the past recaps:

Here are all the things we DIY'ed for the wedding/reception
Here are our flowers
Everyone started arriving on Thursday
Friday, pre-rehearsal
Then we rehearsed
And of course ate

Then we woke up and my mom & I got our hair done
The girls got all prettied up!
Find out what the guys were up to

The details-- my something's
I finally got to put on my dress
The girls' pictures are taken

Then the guys got their pictures made
And we wait

As I discussed here when I talked about the ceremony music, my brother played the processional for the families to enter. He is an AMAZING clarinetist and though he said he wasn't happy with his performance, he is definitely over critical of himself because he sounded great! I will always remember that moment, listening to him play while I'm trying to calm my nerves standing in the back of the church.

The sanctuary with the guests-- so pretty with the light!

My brother

Matt's mom, being escorted by his youngest brother, with their dad following

My mother, being escorted by my grandfather

The guys are in place

The bridesmaids start processing-- Brittany!


And MOH Mary

And everyone waiting...

You'll have to wait, too! The next part deserves its own post, in this blog-writer's opinion.

All pictures by Kasey Lynn Photography

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