Wednesday, June 22, 2011

All You Need is Love: The Morning!

Want to catch up on the recaps?

Here are all the things we DIY'ed for the wedding/reception
Here are our flowers
Everyone started arriving on Thursday
Friday, pre-rehearsal
Then we rehearsed
And of course ate

So, as you may remember from the last post, I barely slept at all. But, it didn't matter. After seeing light coming through the curtains, I allowed myself to look at the clock, thought it was as good of time as any to get up, and cue girly freak out. It was along the lines of-- "Wow! We're getting married today! Let me text Matt. Wait, is that allowed? Why isn't he texting me back? He can't be asleep still..." And then I realized it wasn't even 6 AM yet. Fair enough.

As it was so early, I tried not to wake anyone up. I did some last minute packing for the honeymoon, and then realized-- I didn't know where our Disney park tickets were.

Umm... yikes!

So I alerted my parents to the issue and we started quietly looking around. I had to wake up one of the bridesmaids to search in the room she was sleeping in, but hopefully she didn't mind too much. When all was said and done, we found them (in my room, of all places. Too much moving makes papers and other important things get cluttered), so crisis averted!

Anyway, the other girls woke up and we started eating breakfast and waiting around. I know I was getting antsy, wanting the time to go by quicker, etc. But looking back I really enjoyed that time with the girls when it was relatively quiet and we were filled with anticipation. Ah, good memories!

My mom and I left to go get our hair done at our normal salon which is about 30 minutes away. You know how it is-- you find someone that does a good job with your hair and you just stick with it, even if it is an hour round trip...

But Kim did an amazing job and my mom and I were both very happy. Our thin and fine hair doesn't curl--- and if it does, it doesn't hold. I don't know what Kim did, but she amazingly got both of our hair to curl and it held all day...

And because no post is good without pictures (I know, in wedding recaps it's what I pay the most attention to), here are some pictures of the hair results.

All pictures by Kasey Lynn Photography

Up next- my mom & I leave the salon, followed by a mishap and meet the girls at the church


  1. Lovely hair, it looks perfect.

    Just discovered your blog, would love it if you popped by mine sometime.

    Andrea x

  2. How pretty! Can't wait to see more!

  3. your hair looks so great! she did such a great job with it!
