Monday, August 27, 2012

First day!

Well, like a lot of people around here, today is my first day back at school. Seems weird to say that I'm starting my second year of graduate school as I don't feel like it has already been that long. Also, my summer 'off' still consisted of doing school-related work, so it wasn't a true break. 

But I'm ready to be back. I like routines so I'm ready to get my schedule down and just go through the motions of school, TA duties, and studying. During the summer I can tend to get anxious. When I'm not busy, I over-analyze which is never good for me. Thankfully this summer I kept myself busy with some school stuff, 'fun' reading, exercising a lot, and learning to clean the apartment regularly. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? 

The start of school also brings my favorite season-- fall! Though it won't be cool here in Texas anytime soon, at least I get to start watching football again! I don't have a class on Friday like I did last semester, so Matt and I should be able to make it to some local high school games as well as watch our Aggies in their first season in the SEC. It will be...interesting! 

So to all of you who are going back to school today or have kids that are- hope you have a great day back! What are you most looking forward to for this semester? For me, it will be writing my Master's thesis and knowing I can actually do research on my own.

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