Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Graduation festivities

This past Saturday, Matt & I both graduated from Texas A&M! My ceremony was at 9 AM, and then we met up with Matt's family for lunch. After eating, we each packed up more things from our apartments and loaded them into our respective families' vehicles. [A big thanks to my brother who went above and beyond in this :)]

Then Matt's graduation ceremony was at 7 PM. Each graduation ceremony was about 2 hours and 45 minutes long. Can you say longest day ever? Aside from the day before when we attended 3 back-to-back honors ceremonies, it pretty much was. Instead of saying more of the gory details, here are some of my favorite pictures of the day!

My family and me after my graduation
Matt's family got us matching diploma frames!

Matt and his family, missing one brother

At Matt's graduation- one of the petroleum engineers had an oil derrick on his mortarboard
Matt's graduation-- scary!!

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