Friday, December 17, 2010

One more to go!

I am now home for the holidays! Fall semester is over, exams are done, research hours completed. A lot of my friends are graduating today, so congrats to them! It's so weird to think that I only have one more semester left, in my undergraduate career that is. It's not like I only have one more semester of tests, papers, finals. Not at all. 

But I don't mind. Through my thesis work this semester, I've become a bit more confident that grad school may be the right place for me. Pardon me sounding like a nerd, but I haven't minded researching & writing the literature review, developing and testing the measures, learning these foreign statistical programs. I have a lot left, and it is going to be really fast-paced. When I get back to school in January, I will have two months to write two results chapters, one discussions chapter, and one conclusions chapter. Terrifying-- yes! Especially since I will be taking a graduate-level course next semester.

But I'll get through it, yes?

At least I'll have the wedding & honeymoon to look forward to!

And for your useless product of the day, I saw this in my neighborhood:

Yes, those are eye lashes on the headlights. Why? I have no idea. They are literally called "Car Lashes" and their point is to add a feminine touch to one's vehicle. The lashes cost $25.99 and you can also get crystal eyeliner & accents. Here is the website if you are interested in checking it out:

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